Thomas Boulier
Welcome to my personal website. I am a researcher in applied mathematics with strong interests in scientific computing for medical applications. I am also a resident in anesthesioloy and intensive care medicine. I live in Grenoble, France.
Consistency of Fan-beam Projections of a Translating Object Along an Arc of a Circle (pdf)
with with Laurent Desbat, Rolf Clackdoyle, and Jerome Lesaint
in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography
Awarded one of the four best scored abstracts
Source code is available here
Use of brain diffusion tensor imaging for the prediction of long-term neurological outcomes in patients after cardiac arrest
with Lionel Velly, Vincent Perlbarg, Sébastien Delphine, Valentine Battisti, Gregory Torkomian, Habib Benali, Damien Galanaud, Louis Puybasset, and the MRI-COMA Investigators
in The Lancet Neurology
Mathematical modelling of the electric sense of fish: the role of multi-frequency measurements and movement
with Habib Ammari, Josselin Garnier and Han Wang
in Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
Shape recognition and classification in electro-sensing (pdf)
with Habib Ammari, Josselin Garnier, and Han Wang
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
Target Identification Using Dictionary Matching of Generalized Polarization Tensors (pdf)
with Habib Ammari, Josselin Garnier, Wenjia Jing, Hyœnbæ Kang, and Han Wang
in Foundations of Computational Mathematics
Tracking of a Mobile Target Using Generalized Polarization Tensors (pdf)
with Habib Ammari, Josselin Garnier, Hyeonbae Kang, and Han Wang
in SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
Modeling Active Electrolocation in Weakly Electric Fish (pdf)
with Habib Ammari and Josselin Garnier
in SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
BSc, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (2009)
MSc, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris (2010)
PhD, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (2013)
Bachelor of Medicine, Grenoble University (2020)
Research engineer, MoMA (modelisation, mesures et applications), Paris
september 2013 – august 2014
Postdoctoral researcher, Biomedical Imaging Lab (INSERM/AP-HP), Paris
september 2014 – august 2016
Postdoctoral researcher, TIMC lab, Grenoble
september 2016 – now (part time)
Anesthesiology and intensive care resident, Grenoble Hospital
November 2020 - now